Strawberry Center Quarterly Newsletter - Fall 2018
Fall 2018, Issue 3
Cal Poly Strawberry Center Second Annual Field Day
Strawberry Center students and staff presented their research to more than 240 attendees, including growers, researchers and industry representatives, visited Cal Poly in July for the second annual Field Day to learn more about the latest research activities of the Strawberry Center. Students and staff presented at nine different stations, covering diverse topics such as bug vacuum optimization, host plant resistance to Macrophomina crown rot and Verticillium Wilt, Botrytis gray mold management, transplant cold storage treatments, fungicide resistance development, harvest aids and more.
Read more about the Strawberry Center Second Annual Field Day ›
Graduate student Jonathan Winslow (UC Santa Cruz, Environmental Studies/ Agroecology, ‘14) successfully defended his master's thesis titled "Evaluation of host resistance and the utilization of organic amendments to manage Macrophomina crown rot of strawberry in California.”
The Strawberry Center Welcomes Entomologist Peter Shearer
Peter Shearer joins Cal Poly, bringing vast experience from an illustrious career as a tree fruit entomologist at Rutgers University, Oregon State University and Washington State University.
32 Posters Presented at ICPP Showcased Strawberry Research
This year, two of the Strawberry Center’s graduate students presented their work at the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) in Boston. The ICPP only meets once every five years, so it is a rare opportunity for students to present their work and interact with scientists from all over the world.
Read more about the ICPP posters ›
Mayor Alice Patino and Mayor Pro Tem Etta Waterfield
The Strawberry Center was honored to be visited by Santa Maria Mayor Alice Patino and Mayor Pro Tem Etta Waterfield to discuss current issues in the strawberry industry. Cal Poly students showcased a variety of projects aimed at reducing labor inputs and pesticide use.
Read about the mayor's visit ›
Marketing Leaders Visit from China
Produce marketing leaders from China visited the Strawberry Center in June to learn more about the research and educational programs that the Center engages in.
Now Hiring
The Cal Poly Strawberry Center is now accepting applications for a farm manager position. This person will manage the farming activities necessary to conduct strawberry field research, working closely with the Strawberry Center's research and education team. The position includes land preparation, irrigation, fertilization, pest management, experimental plot design and other tasks necessary to farm strawberries and conduct research projects in a field setting.
Read about the position and apply here ›