32 Posters Presented at ICPP Showcased Strawberry Research
Jonathan Winslow
Scott Cosseboom
This year, two of the Strawberry Center’s graduate students presented their work at the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) in Boston. The ICPP only meets once every five years, so it is a rare opportunity for students to present their work and interact with scientists from all over the world.
Of the 1,251 posters presented at the conference, 32 dealt with some aspect of strawberry diseases. The top three diseases that were researched were Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum spp. and Macrophomina phaseolina.
Cal Poly Strawberry Center graduate student Scott Cosseboom presented his poster under the “Fungicide and Antibiotic Resistance” category and graduate student Jonathan Winslow under the “Integrated Pest Management” category.
Other prominent research teams included University of Florida, University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom), USDA-ARS and Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Institute of Horticulture Posters were also presented from universities and institutes in Chile, Norway, Pakistan, Spain and Korea.
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