

2020 — 2025

Holmes, G. J. 2024. Current Issues in California Strawberries. TriCal Coastal Sales Meeting. Crown Plaza, Ventura Beach. 14 March. 

Holmes, G. J. 2023.  Cal Poly Strawberry Center: A new model for applied research and grower outreach. Annual Student-Invited Lecturer for Fall 2023. Washington State University, Department of Plant Pathology. 6 Nov.
Presentation video:

Lascano, C., Hassani, M. A., Holmes, G. J., Gonzalez, O. and Ivors, K. 2023. Root-associated microbiome network connectivity and composition linked to disease resistance in strawberry plants. 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference. Dublin, Ireland. 13-15 March. 

Holmes, G. J. and Blauer, K. A. 2023. Research update from the Cal Poly Strawberry Center. Syngenta Winter Regional Update Meetings. Oxnard, Orcutt and Monterey, CA.

Holmes, G. J. and Blauer, K. A. 2023. Research update from the Cal Poly Strawberry Center. Syngenta Winter Regional Update Meetings. Oxnard, Orcutt and Monterey, CA.

Ahmadi, M., Atefi, A., Kraemer, W., Fink, C., Mendez, M. and Lin, J. 2023. Demonstration and Implementation of Cost-Effective UV-C Technology for California Strawberry Pest Management John Lin, Ph.D. Director of Automation Engineering March. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Atefi, A., Ahmadi, M. and Lin, J. 2023. Lygus bug detection using machine learning for pest management. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Atefi, A., Ahmadi, M. and Lin, J. 2023. An IoT-based operator aid system for the Lygus bug vacuum. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March. 

Blauer K. and Holmes, G. 2023. Effects of plastic mulch color and number of drip irrigation lines on incidence of Macrophomina root rot. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Blauer K. and Holmes, G. 2023. Multi-year summary of fungicide efficacy on botrytis fruit rot and powdery mildew. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Fink, C., Mendez, M., Rodriguez, J., Lobo, C., Molinar, A. and Lin, J. 2023. Recommended spray rig designs for California strawberries. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Holmes, G. J. 2023. The California strawberry industry: current trends and future prospects. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Kraemer, W., Lin, J., Wells, J. and Fink, C. 2023. Optimized Lygus bug vacuum. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Kraemer, W., Lin, J. and Ahmadi, M. 2023. Plastic mulch hole burning and cutting for strawberry planting. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Schaap, G., Speth, G., Kraemer, W., Wells, J., Fink, C. and Lin, J. 2023. Automated hoop house arch removal. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Simard, S. Z., Blauer, K. A., Serpa, B. R. and Holmes, G. J. 2023. Farm-scale evaluation of UV-C for control of powdery mildew in strawberries. Annual NASGA Meeting & North American Strawberry Symposium, San Luis Obispo, CA. 7-10 March.

Holmes, G., and Hewavitharana, S. 2021.Effect of soil fumigation on rhizosphere fungi and bacteria in Strawberries. 15 Apr.

Holmes, G., and Hewavitharana, S. 2020. Soil microbiome changes in response to soil fumigation and disease diagnostic update. UC ANR. 29 May.

Hewavitharana, S. 2020. Temporal changes in soil microbiome in response to soil treatments. USDA. Salinas, CA. 5 Feb.

Fink, C. 2020. Spray rig distribution uniformity optimization for California strawberry production. UCCE Strawberry Production Research Meeting, Salinas, CA. 5 Feb.

Wells, J. 2020. Lygus bug vacuum development. UCCE Strawberry Production Research Meeting, Salinas, CA. 5 Feb.

2019 and earlier

Fink, C. 2019. Spray rig distribution uniformity optimization for California strawberry production. Ventura County Strawberry Grower Meeting, Camarillo, CA. 19 Sept.

Gonzalez-Benitez, O. 2019. Anthracnose susceptibility in 76 strawberry cultivars and elite breeding lines. Ventura County Strawberry Grower Meeting, Camarillo, CA. 19 Sept.

Mansouripour, M. 2019. Three-year summary of Macrophomina crown rot and Verticillium wilt trials in strawberry. Ventura County Strawberry Grower Meeting, Camarillo, CA. 19 Sept.

Wells J. 2019. Lygus bug vacuum development. Ventura County Strawberry Grower Meeting, Camarillo, CA. 19 Sept.

Fink, C. 2019. Spray rig distribution uniformity optimization for California strawberry production. NASGA Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium, Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.

Holmes, G. 2019. Field evaluation of host plant resistance in Strawberry against verticillium wilt, macrophomina crown rot and fusarium wilt. NASGA Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium, Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.

Lin, J. 2019. Improvements to lygus vacuum for enhanced pest management. NASGA Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium, Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.

Shearer, P. 2019. Overview of the updated California strawberry pest management strategic plan. NASGA Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium, Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.

Mansouripour, M. 2018 Two year summary of host plant resistance in Strawberry to Macrophomina crown rot and verticillium wilt. MBAO COnference, Nov.

Mansouripour, M. 2018. Pathogen detection in strawberry nurseries using recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA). Ventura Co. Meeting, Sept

Ivors, K. 2018. Host resistance for managing soilborne diseases. Ventura County, CA. May

Ivors, K. 2018. Fall of Phytophthora. Santa Maria Field Day, CA. May

Cosseboom, S. yr. MS Thesis Defense: Characterization of Botrytis cinerea resistance to fungicides in California strawberry production

Ivors K. 2017. Anaerobic soil disinfestation for managing Verticillium wilt. Annual Santa Maria Strawberry Field Day. Santa Maria, CA. 10 May

Cosseboom, S. 2017. Resistance of the botrytis gray mold pathogen to fungicides in the Santa Maria region. Santa Maria Field Day, CA. May

Holmes, G.J. 2017. The California Strawberry Industry in a post-methyl bromide era: Apathological perspective. APS Pacific Division meeting, Riverside, CA.

Annual Santa Maria Strawberry and Vegetable Meeting. 2017. Santa Maria, CA. 28 Nov

The nuts and bolts of gray mold and fungicide resistance. 2017. Camarillo, Watsonville & Santa Maria, CA. 12-14 Dec

Holmes, G. 2016. Strawberry Center Goals and Projects. Cal Poly Crops Club biweekly BBQ. San Luis Obispo, CA., 27 Jan

Holmes, G., Ivors, K., and Brantley, R. 2016. Efficacy of Dominus fumigant and performance of four UC cultivars in Verticillium-infested soils. Annual Central Coast Strawberry Meeting, Watsonville, CA., 4 Feb

Biology and Management of Anthracnose. 2016. CAPCA, San Luis Obispo, CA

Anthracnose Nursery Survey and Plant Dipping Research Update. 2016.

5th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting. 2016. Ventura, CA. Sept

Holmes, G. 2015: Keynote address at 8th North American Strawberry Symposium at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ventura, CA. Title: The California Strawberry Industry: An outsider’s view from the inside. 3 Feb.

Ivors, K. 2015. Genetic resistance to Fusarium wilt. Farming Without Fumigants Field Day Demonstration. Monterey Bay Academy, Watsonville, CA. August 13

Holmes, G. 2015. The Strawberry Center kicks off at Cal Poly. CA Strawberry Society, Santa Maria, CA. 22 Apr.

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