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Which of the four main soilborne pathogens are most common in CA strawberry?

Which of the four main soilborne pathogens are most common in CA strawberry?

Aug 11, 2023

It’s widely accepted that there are four major diseases in California strawberry caused by these soilborne pathogens:
✔ Macrophomina root rot
✔ Fusarium wilt
✔ Verticillium wilt
✔ Phytophthora crown and root rot
❓What we did not know is which of these four pathogens are most common?

Learn more in our latest research blog post, authored by recent graduate Mary Steele, M.S., Cal Poly 2023.

Which of the four main soilborne pathogens are most common in CA strawberry?

Field Day 2023 a huge success!

Field Day 2023 a huge success!

Aug 10, 2023

Strawberry Center 7th Annual Field Day
Thursday • August 3, 2023
Over 430 strawberry growers, researchers and industry representatives gathered at the Strawberry Center for this year’s Field Day. Participants rotated through Automation, Entomology and Plant Pathology stations, hearing from Cal Poly students and scientists about the latest research taking place at the Strawberry Center. Topics ranged from the newest automation technology to predatory mites to soilborne pathogens of strawberry, and much more!
Field Day 2023 program booklet, handouts and sponsor fliers can be found on our Center website @
A BIG thank you to our Sponsors and In-Kind Donors! A special mention goes to Yara and Good Farms for sponsoring a delicious lunch, catered by Taco Man Express.
California Strawberries
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Center hosts tour for government relations specialists

Center hosts tour for government relations specialists

Jul 18, 2023

The Strawberry Center recently hosted a group of government relations specialists from various campuses throughout the Cal State University system. Justin Wellner (Director of Government and Community Relations at Cal Poly) highlighted recent collaborative efforts between the Strawberry Center and the USDA.

Congratulations to our graduates!

Congratulations to our graduates!

Jul 14, 2023

Congratulations to our amazing student employees and Master students who officially graduated this past June! We couldn't be more proud of your hard work, dedication, and achievements.

We are so thankful that you could be a part of our team. Your contributions, creativity and drive has made us all very proud.

We wish you all the best in your endeavors, Class of 2023!

Continue reading Congratulations to our graduates!...
KCBX News Center reports on $1M USDA funding

KCBX News Center reports on $1M USDA funding

Jul 12, 2023

Listen in as KCBX News Center discusses $1M USDA funding to help automate strawberry farming in California to assist labor.

July 5, 2023  

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s Strawberry Center and the United States Department of Agriculture’s research agency recently received a federal grant to focus on tools to help automate strawberry farming in California. The Strawberry Center’s goal is to use research and education to increase the sustainability of California’s strawberry industry.

Read/Listen to full story

Only FOUR weeks away! Register now for Cal Poly Strawberry Center Field Day

Only FOUR weeks away! Register now for Cal Poly Strawberry Center Field Day

Jul 7, 2023

Only FOUR weeks away!

Join more than 400 strawberry growers, researchers and industry representatives for this year’s Strawberry Center Field Day. Participants will rotate through stations, hearing from Cal Poly students and staff about the latest research taking place at the Strawberry Center. Topics include the newest automation technology, predatory mites, soil-borne pathogens of strawberry and much more! We look forward to sharing the Center's latest research and happenings. Learn more about the seventh annual field day.

Sponsorship Opportunities are Still Available, until WEDNESDAY July 19

We are excited to partner with your company to create our most successful Field Day yet. Information about sponsorship opportunities is available online @ 

City Farm SLO's 2023 Youth Empowerment Program students tour Center

City Farm SLO's 2023 Youth Empowerment Program students tour Center

Jun 29, 2023

Center team members Lawson Orradre, Colette Smith and Kiley Jensen hosted 12 high school-age students for a tour of our facilities. The students are participating in the City Farm SLO's 2023 Youth Empowerment Program, which provides exceptional leadership development opportunities to teens of all backgrounds through career/college readiness workshops and technical instruction in regenerative agriculture.

The students were able to explore the fields and hoop houses, visit the entomology lab, and pack their own strawberry clamshells! A huge thank you to City Farm SLO for allowing us to host this tour. We always love the opportunity to educate the younger generation about the strawberry industry.

Strawberry Center and USDA ARS Receive $1M in Federal Funding

Strawberry Center and USDA ARS Receive $1M in Federal Funding

Jun 27, 2023

Cal Poly Strawberry Center and U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service Receive $1M in Federal Funding to Focus Efforts on Automation Advancements in the Field

[Cal Poly News, Press Release]

SAN LUIS OBISPO — The Cal Poly Strawberry Center, in collaboration with the California Strawberry Commission and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS) in Salinas, California, was awarded $1 million in federal funding to expand its research in strawberry automation leading to enhanced sustainable farming practices, including workforce development.

Read full article @

Test your strawberry flower anatomy skills (Part 1 of 3)

Test your strawberry flower anatomy skills (Part 1 of 3)

Jun 22, 2023

A: PETAL. Most flowers of most varieties have 5 or 6 petals per flower. Together the petals form the COROLLA. The petals help to attract pollinators to the pollen.
B: STAMEN. This is the male part of the flower comprised of the ANTHER and FILAMENT (see C and D).
C: ANTHER. Pollen is produced and shed here and travels a short distance to the PISTIL.
D: FILAMENT. The stalk which bears the anther.
E: RECEPTACLE. This will become the “fruit” we eat. It’s covered with PISTILS which look like tiny fingers.
F: PISTIL. This is the female part of the flower comprised of the STIGMA, STYLE and OVARY. It receives the pollen which germinates at the tip/STIGMA and sends a germ tube down the STYLE to fertilize the OVARY at the base of the pistil. The ovary becomes one of the seeds/achenes which pock the surface of the “fruit.”

Strawberry flowers are "perfect" and "self-fertile" and just a little breeze or vibration is all that is needed to move the pollen from the anthers to the stigma; no bees are necessary in outdoor environments. In contrast, in indoor environments (e.g., greenhouses), bees are used to pollinate flowers.

Watch our short video narrated by Center students Gabrielle Brocker and Sarah Herring to learn more about strawberry plant anatomy!

Only six weeks away! Register for FIELD DAY, being held on Aug. 3

Only six weeks away! Register for FIELD DAY, being held on Aug. 3

Jun 20, 2023

Only six weeks away! Join more than 400 strawberry growers, researchers and industry representatives for this year’s Strawberry Center Field Day. Participants will rotate through stations, hearing from Cal Poly students and staff about the latest research taking place at the Strawberry Center. Topics include the newest automation technology, predatory mites, soil-borne pathogens of strawberry and much more! We look forward to sharing the Center's latest research and happenings. Learn more about the seventh annual field day.

Sponsorship Opportunities are Still Available

We are excited to partner with your company to create our most successful Field Day yet. Information about sponsorship opportunities is available online @


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Cal Poly Strawberry Field Day to be held August 8, 2024

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Strawberry Disease Info Form

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