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Cal Poly Mustang News features Strawberry Center

Cal Poly Mustang News features Strawberry Center

Jan 4, 2024

The Strawberry Center was recently featured in Cal Poly’s Mustang News. The article was written by Cal Poly journalism student, Caitlin Garcia, as part of her course project. The piece details our Center’s research and activities, and includes interviews with some of our team members.

Check it out now!

Plants Get Sick: A Look into Strawberry Pathology at Cal Poly
by Caitlin Garcia


A warm welcome to our new Entomology Program Leader

A warm welcome to our new Entomology Program Leader

Jan 2, 2024

We are pleased and excited to announce that Dr. Mohammad Amir Aghaee joined our team on Dec 4, 2023.

Mohammad grew up in East Bay around Berkeley and Oakland, CA. He completed his undergraduate degree at UC Berkeley before going to UC Davis for his doctorate in entomology working on rice water weevil and brown marmorated stink bug. He did his postdoc at NC State working on cotton bollworm and lygus near the outer banks. He then took a position with Bayer at their insectary in Tennessee working on plant insect protectant trials in corn, cotton, and soy across a whole series of pests.

Mohammad believes the best lessons are learned through action and just a dash of adversity. He learned video production and editing during the pandemic for Bayer and he will bring his entire creative and scientific skill set to bear for the Center and the strawberry industry.

Please join us in welcoming Mohammad!

Happy Holidays from the Strawberry Center!

Happy Holidays from the Strawberry Center!

Dec 21, 2023

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday season and a cheerful New Year!
From the team at the Cal Poly Strawberry Center!

The Strawberry Center is growing!

The Strawberry Center is growing!

Dec 7, 2023

We're excited to welcome to our team new field technician Lawson Orradre! Lawson grew up in Morgan Hill California, CA, which sits at the north end of the Salinas Valley, where he was surrounded by agriculture his entire life. He recently graduated from Texas Christian University with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Lawson's favorite thing about the Strawberry Center and Cal Poly as a whole is that "it is an extremely hands-on experience where all staff members and students are able to collaborate and create great products and learning experiences. I have already gained so much knowledge and experience from the Center and I am excited to continue the 'Learn By Doing' work".
Welcome Lawson!

Continue reading The Strawberry Center is growing!...
Welcome to our new research associate Samantha Simard

Welcome to our new research associate Samantha Simard

Dec 6, 2023

Welcome to our new research associate Samantha Simard!

Originally from San Luis Obispo, Sam earned a BS in Agriculture Science and minor in Biology from Southern Utah University (where she also ran track and cross country). She then returned to California's central coast to began graduate school at Cal Poly. She is working towards a Master's in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Protection Science.

Sam really "enjoys having the opportunity to work with students, and there is nothing I find more rewarding than sharing knowledge and seeing students get excited about learning." In her new role, Sam is able to assist with lab management, facilitate student projects, run diagnostics, and manage her own field experiments. She is finding that having these diverse responsibilities continues to build her skills as a well-rounded researcher.

Welcome Sam!

New crop off to a great start!

New crop off to a great start!

Nov 30, 2023

At almost four weeks post-planting, our strawberry plants are establishing nicely. Despite some unseasonably warm temperatures (as high as 88F) in the few days following planting, the 2023/24 crop is making good progress. Moderate weather so far this fall along with a bit of rainfall (1.4") has allowed for favorable growing conditions. (Data source:, administered by the CA Water Resource Board).

Continue reading New crop off to a great start!...
Former Center students collaborating!

Former Center students collaborating!

Nov 28, 2023

Center graduate student alumni Jack Koster (Lecturer, CSUMB; Lab Assistant, UCCE) and Yu-Chen Wang (Farm Advisor, UCCE) are working collaboratively these past several months, conducting plant pathology research on diverse projects that are addressing the needs of growers in the tri-county area (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties). One of their projects is evaluating the impact of Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV), a disease that causes large economic losses to growers and shippers, on lettuce varieties.

While graduate students at Cal Poly, Yu-Chen and Jack worked together side-by-side at the Strawberry Center and we are so pleased and proud to see them collaborating now as professional colleagues and researchers! Yu-Chen noted that she "enjoys working together with Jack to apply what we learned from strawberries at Cal Poly to new and different crops"; And according to Jack, "I have enjoyed my part-time work with Yu-Chen helping her advance research projects and perform diagnostics. It is good to be cognizant of current investigations into pathogen management, as well as current threats - I can bring this information back to my classroom and labs."

Another successful transplant day

Another successful transplant day

Nov 16, 2023

2.3 acres and over 58,000 plants

We realize that these are not big numbers for a commercial grower, but it's a big day for our small team at the Strawberry Center because our whole season of research starts here!

We are extremely grateful to our team of students, staff and the labor crews who made it happen in two days; With a special shout-out to Darensberries/ BlazerWilkinsonGee and Good Farms for sending two labor crews to help us plant and to Lassen Canyon Nursery, Crown Nursery, and Cedar point for donating bare-root transplants.

Continue reading Another successful transplant day...
WSU graduate student group invites Gerald Holmes to speak in seminar series

WSU graduate student group invites Gerald Holmes to speak in seminar series

Nov 15, 2023

Strawberry Center director Gerald Holmes was invited by Washington State University (WSU) graduate students to present in the WSU Plant Pathology Student-Invited Speaker Series. He was hosted by a group of graduate students including Center alum Mary Steele (Cal Poly, MS 2023, Agriculture), who began working towards her PhD this past summer with WSU Plant Pathologist Dr. Lindsay DuToit ( During his visit, Gerald found that "the students were not only excellent hosts but a very gregarious and congenial group. I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with them and seeing the excellent facilities at WSU".

Presentation title: "Cal Poly Strawberry Center: A New Model for Applied Research and Grower Outreach"
Presentation slides can be found online @
Presentation video:
(photos courtesy of WSU Department of Plant Pathology)

Joseph Ramirez invited to speak at CAFES groundbreaking ceremony

Joseph Ramirez invited to speak at CAFES groundbreaking ceremony

Nov 14, 2023

Center graduate student Joseph Ramirez was invited to speak at last week's groundbreaking ceremony for the George Wurzel Plant Sciences Building, part of the planned state-of-the-art Plant Sciences Complex at Cal Poly. During the event, Joseph gave a brief address outlining some ways the Plant Sciences Complex will provide opportunities for research and education that will offer him and his peers access to valuable resources and tools that will contribute to their academic success and their careers.


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