Scientific, Published Reports
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2023. Evaluation of the most commonly used fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, spring 2023. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 18:PF056
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2023. Evaluation of experimental fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2023. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 18:PF060
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2023. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2023. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 18:PF059
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2023. Evaluation of chemigation for biological control of Macrophomina crown rot on fall-planted strawberries, 2023. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 18:PF058
Blauer, K. A., Brocker, G., and Holmes, G. J. 2023. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, winter 2023. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 18:PF057
Blauer, K.A., Simard, S., and Holmes, G.J. 2023. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, winter 2024. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 18: PF045
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2022. Evaluation of biological fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2022. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 17:PF001
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2022. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2022. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 17:PF002
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2022. Evaluation of pre-plant dip, chemigation, and foliar sprays for natural or biological control of Macrophomina crown rot on fall-planted strawberries, 2022. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 17:PF005
Blauer, K. A., Serpa B. R., and Holmes, G.J.2022. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, summer 2022. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 17:PF006
Blauer, K. A., Serpa B. R., and Holmes, G. J. 2022. Evaluation of biological fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, spring 2022. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 17:PF007
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, summer 2021. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 16:PF004
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, spring 2021. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 16:PF005
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry in field 35b, early season 2021. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 16:PF006
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of pre-plant chemigation, pre-plant dip, at-planting chemigation, and soil drench for biological control of Macrophomina crown rot on fall-planted strawberries, 2021. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 16:PF007
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry in field 25 block 6, early season 2021. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 16:PF027
Blauer, K. A., Summerfield, D. T., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2020. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 15:PF002
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, peak season 2020. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 15:PF003
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, summer 2020. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 15:PF004
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Evaluation of pre-plant chemigation, pre-plant dip, at-planting chemigation, and soil drench treatments for biological control of Macrophomina crown rot on fall-planted strawberries, 2020. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 15:PF005
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2020. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, peak season 2019. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 14:PF047
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2020. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2019. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 14:PF048
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2020. Evaluation of pre-plant dip, biofumigant, and soil drench treatments to control Verticillium wilt on fall planted strawberries, 2019. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 14:PF049
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2020. Evaluation of pre-plant dip, biofumigant, and soil drench treatments to control Macrophomina crown rot on fall planted strawberries, 2019. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 14:PF050
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2020. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, summer 2019. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 14:PF052
Blauer, K. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2019. Evaluation of fungicides for strawberry powdery mildew management under greenhouse conditions, spring 2019. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 14:PF053.
Blauer, K. A., Gonzalez, O. A., and Holmes, G. J.2019. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:047
Blauer, K. A., Gonzalez, O. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2019. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, late season 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:048
Blauer, K. A., Gonzalez, O. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2019. Evaluation of pre-plant dip and soil drench treatments to control Verticillium wilt on fall planted strawberries, 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:049
Blauer, K. A., Gonzalez, O. A., and Holmes, G. J. 2019. Evaluation of pre-plant dip and soil drench treatments to control Macrophomina crown rot on fall planted strawberries, 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:050
Brantley, R. C., Cosseboom, S. D., and Holmes, G. J. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, early season 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:PF069
Brantley, R. C ., Cosseboom, S. D., and Holmes, G. J. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberry, late-season 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:PF075
Cosseboom, S. D., Adaskaveg, J., Brantley, R. C., Ivors, K. L., and Holmes, G. J. 2018. Fungicide efficacy for management of anthracnose in strawberry, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:PF076
Brantley, R. C. and Holmes, G. J. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for powdery mildew management in greenhouse strawberry, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:PF077
Brantley, R. C., and Holmes, G. J. 2018. Evaluation of pre-plant dip and soil drench treatments to control Verticillium wilt on strawberries, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:PF078
Brantley, R. C., Ivors, K. L., and Holmes, G. J. 2018. Evaluation of pre-plant dip and soil drench treatments to control Macrophomina crown rot on strawberries, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:PF079
Brantley, R., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2017. Efficacy of fungicides programs against Botrytis fruit rot on early-season strawberries, 2016. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 11:SMF001
Brantley, R., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2017. Evaluation of biofungicides for Botrytis fruit rot management on strawberries, 2016. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 11:SMF002
Brantley, R., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2017. Fungicide efficacy for fruit rot management on late-season strawberries, 2014-15. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 11:SMF0014
Brantley, R., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2017. Evaluation of resistance to Verticillium wilt in four day-neutral strawberry cultivars, 2014-15. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 11:SMF0015
Brantley, R., Ivors, K., Smith, H., and Holmes, G. 2017. Powdery mildew susceptibility in four day-neutral strawberry cultivars, 2014-15. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 11:SMF016
Brantley, R. C., and Holmes, G. J. 2017. Efficacy of indoxacarb insecticide on Lygus bug in strawberry, 2015. Arthropod Manag. Tests 42:1-2. https://doi:10.1093/amt/t
Holmes, G. J.,and Palmer, M. 2020. Characterization of strawberry host plant resistance to powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera aphanis. Pages 43-52 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Holmes, G. J., Adaskaveg, J. E., Blauer K., Chen, D., Nguyen, K., and Forster, H. Development of new fungicides for management of anthracnose and other diseases ofstrawberries, Year 3. 2020. Pages 55-62in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Henry, P. M., Hewavitharana, S., Holmes, G. J., Bolda, M., and Stanghellini, M. 2020. Management of diseases caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae and Macrophomina phaseolina. Pages 65-82 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Holmes, G. J., Hewavitharana, S., and Gonzalez-Benitez, O. A. 2020. Evaluation of strawberry genotypes for susceptibility to anthracnose crown rot. Pages 85-91 in:CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Fennimore, S., Holmes, G. J., Rachuy, J. S., Garcia, J., and Blauer, K. 2020. Weed management in strawberries 2020 and 2021. 2020. Pages 95-103 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Zukoff, S. 2020. Strawberry growth chamber container: A collaborative, innovative approach to strawberry entomological research. Pages 119-122 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Zukoff, S., and Mendoza, I. 2020. Assessing the mortality of tractor mounted vacuuming on spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) and common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) in strawberries. Pages 125-132 in:CSC Annual Production Research Report 2020
Adaskaveg, J. E., Holmes, G. J., Chen, D., Nguyen, K., Forster, H., and Blauer, K. 2019. Development of new fungicides for management of anthracnose and of diseases of strawberry, Year 2. Pages 21-27 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2019
Holmes, G. J., and Palmer, M. 2019. Resistance of strawberry powdery mildew to fungicides in California. Pages 39-48 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2019
Holmes, G. J., Mansouripour, S. M., Hewavitharana, S., and Liu, B. 2019. Year 5: Evaluating strawberry cultivars for resistance to Verticillium wilt. Pages 51-56 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2019
Hewavitharana, S., Holmes, G. J., Liu, B., and Mansouripour, S. M. 2019. Year 4: Investigating treatments for the management of Macrophomina on California's central coast. Pages 59-65 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2019
Shearer, P. W. 2019. Assessing quality of predatory mites for augmentative biological control in California strawberries. Pages 95-103 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2019
Shearer, P. W. 2019. Chemical management of lygus and thrips in strawberry. Pages 105-120 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2019
Holmes, G. J., Hewavitharana, S. and Gonzalez-Benitez, O. A. 2018. Evaluation of strawberry genotypes for susceptibility to anthracnose crown rot, field ratings from 2019. Pages 59-65 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2018
Ivors, K. L., Holmes, G. J., Liu, B. and Mansouripour, S. M. 2018. Investigating treatments for the management of Macrophomina on California’s central Coast, field ratings from 2018. Pages 67-73 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2018
Holmes, G. J., Liu, B. and Mansouripour, S. M. 2018. Investigating treatments for the management of Macrophomina on California’s central Coast, field ratings from 2019. Pages 75-79 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2018
Holmes, G. J., Ivors, K. L., Liu, B., and Mansouripour, S. M. 2018. Evaluating strawberry cultivars for resistance to Verticillium wilt, field ratings from 2018. Pages 81-87 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2018
Holmes, G. J., Liu, B. and Mansouripour, S. M. 2018. Evaluating strawberry cultivars for resistance to Verticillium wilt, field ratings from 2019. Pages 89-95 in: California Strawberry CSC Research Report 2018
Knapp, S. J., Gordon, T. R., Holmes, G. J., Ivors, K. L., and Edger, P. 2017. Enhancing resistance to soilborne pathogens in strawberry through traditional and genomic-enabled breeding approaches. Pages 41-55 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2017
Holmes, G. J., Cosseboom, S. D., Schnabel, G., and Ivors, K. L. 2017. Improving strawberry gray mold management through identification of ineffective sprays; Year 2: Development of resistance infield populations of Botrytis cinerea following exposure to various fungicide programs. Pages 111-118 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2017
Adaskaveg, J. E., Haack, S. E., Förster, H., Cosseboom, S., Ivors, K., Holmes, G., and Gubler, W. D. 2017. Efficacy of natamycin as a pre-plant dip treatment for the management of anthracnose of strawberry. Pages 121-132 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2017
Holmes, G. J., Ivors, K. L., and Brantley, R. C. 2016. Evaluating strawberry cultivars for resistance to Verticillium wilt. Pages 43-46 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2016
Holmes, G. J., Ivors, K. L., Cosseboom, S. D., and Schnabel G. 2016. Improving strawberry gray mold management through identification of ineffective sprays. Pages 49-56 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2016
Holmes, G. J., Ivors, K. L., Brantley, R. C., Bolda, M., and Koike, S. 2016. Investigating treatments for the management of Macrophomina on California’s central coast. Pages 59-64 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report2016
Mazzola, M., Legard, D., Shennan, C., Muramoto, J., Holmes, G. J., and Ivors, K. L. 2016. Optimization and implementation of biologically active soil amendments as a fumigation alternative for soilborne disease control in California strawberry. Pages 119-128 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report2016
Holmes, G. J., and Ivors, K. L. 2015. Establishing Macrophomina-infested research plots in California’s central coast. Pages 43-49 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report2015
Carter, M., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2015. Investigating novel approaches for the integrated control of soilborne pathogens Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae. Pages 51-60 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2015
Ivors, K., and Winslow, J. 2015. Development and optimization of diagnostic protocols for Macrophomina phaseolina in soil and microsclerotia in strawberry tissues. Pages 61-68 in: CSC Annual Production Research Report 2015
Calvin, C., Holmes, G., Decock, C., and Hewavitharana, S. 2024. Systems approach to Macrophomina root rot management in California Strawberry. 2024 Joint Meeting of the APS Pacific Division and Conference on Soilborne Plant Pathogens, Corvallis, OR, 26-28 Mar.
Lazcano, C., Hassani, M. A., Holmes, G., Gonzalez, O., and Ivors, K. 2023. Root-associated microbiome network connectivity and composition linked to disease resistance in strawberry plants. 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 13-15 Mar.
Wang, Y., and Holmes, G. 2022. Host plant resistance for management of Macrophomina root rot in California strawberry. Phytopathology 111:S3.1.99.
Koster, J. T., Ding, S., Holmes, G. J., and Hewavitharana, S. S. 2022. Efficacy of crop termination, bed fumigation, and host resistance for controlling Verticillium wilt of strawberry under California growing conditions. Phytopathology 111:S3.1.19.
Wang, Y., Hewavitharana, S. S., Legard, D. E., and Holmes, G. J. 2022. California survey of Botrytis fruit rot levels in commercial strawberry fields with and without fungicide applications. Phytopathology 111:S3.1.149.
Koster, J. T., Holmes, G. J., Liu, B., and Hewavitharana, S. S.. 2021. Evaluating strawberry genetic resistance to Verticillium wilt under California growing conditions. Phytopathology 111:S2.1.99.
Wang, Y. C., Hewavitharana, S. S., and Holmes, G. J. 2021. Botrytis fruit rot incidence in commercially harvested strawberries throughout California. Phytopathology 111:S2.1.103.
Hewavitharana, S., Smith, J., Mansouripour, S. and Holmes, G. 2020. Development of strawberry gray mold management tool for California. Phytopathology 110:S2.01.
Hewavitharana, S. S., and Ding, S. 2020. IDEA CAFE: I would like to join industry after graduating with my undergraduate degree. How should I prepare myself? Phytopathology 110:S2.1.
Lazcano, C., Boyd, E., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2020. Rhizosphere ecological interactions for improved plant health and nutrition in sustainable agricultural production. Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity. Rome, Italy. 10-12 Mar.
Palmer, M., and Holmes, G. 2020. Fungicide sensitivity in strawberry powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera aphanis in California. Phytopathology 110:S2.1.
Palmer, M., Holmes, G. J., and Blauer, K. 2020. Characterization of host resistance in strawberry to powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera aphanis. Phytopathology 110:S2.1.
Blauer, K. A., Brantley, R. C., and Holmes, G. J. 2019. Fungicide efficacy on Botrytis fruit rot: A multi-year summary. North American Strawberry Growers Association Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium. Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.
Fink, C., Banuelos, J., Rossi, L., Barker, M., and Lin, J. 2019. Spray rig distribution uniformity optimization for California strawberry production. North American Strawberry Growers Association Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium. Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.
Lin, J., Wells, J., Fink, C., Olivier, D., and Edsall, M. 2019. Improvements to lygus vacuum for enhanced pest management. North American Strawberry Growers Association Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium. Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.
Mansouripour, S.M., Winslow, J., Gordon, T. and Holmes, G.J. 2019. Field evaluation of host plant resistance in strawberry against Macrophomina crown rot, Verticillium and Fusarium wilt. North American Strawberry Growers Association Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium. Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.
Shearer, P. W., Livengood, M., Holmes, G. J., Olmstead, M., and Legard, D. 2019. Overview of the new California strawberry pest management strategic plan. North American Strawberry Growers Association Annual Meeting & 9th North American Strawberry Symposium. Orlando, FL. 3-6 Feb.
Gonzalez Benitez, O. A., Holmes, G. J., and Hewavitharana, S. S. 2019. Resistance to anthracnose in 76 cultivars and elite breeding linens of strawberry. Phytopathology 109:S2.92.
Mansouripour, S. M., Wang, N- Y., Peres, N., and Holmes, G. J. 2019. Evaluation of isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) to detect the four major soilborne disease of strawberry in California nurseries. Phytopathology 109:S2.124.
Shearer, P., Jones, V. P., Mills, N. J., Amarasekare K., Ioriatti, C., and Lucchi, A. 2019. Using plant volatiles to monitor natural enemies in horticultural crops. Joint Meeting of the International Organization of Biological Control/West Palaearctic Region. Lisbon, Portugal. 20-25 Jan.
Winslow, J., Mazzola, M., Holmes, G. J., and Ivors, K. L. 2018. Integrating host resistance and organic amendments in a non-chemical approach to managing Macrophomina crown rot in strawberries. Phytopathology 108:S1.1.
Cosseboom, S. D., Schnabel, G., Ivors, K. L., and Holmes, G. J . 2018. Development of resistance in field populations of Botrytis cinerea following exposure to various fungicide programs. Phytopathology 108:S1.1.
Haack, S. E., Ivors, K., Holmes, G. J., Förster, H., and Adaskaveg, J. E. 2017. The new biofungicide natamycin as a preplant dip treatment against QoI-resistant populations of Colletotrichum acutatumin strawberry. Phytopathology 107:S5.1.
Cosseboom, S. D., Ivors, K., and Holmes, G. 2017. Grower fungicide use patterns for control of gray mold and powdery mildew of strawberry in California. Phytopathology 107:S5.180.
Cosseboom, S. D., Schnabel, G., Ivors, K. L. and Holmes, G. J. 2017. Resistance of from California strawberries to ten fungicides. Phytopathology 107:S5.1.
Winslow, J., Mazzola, M., Holmes, G. J., and Ivors, K. 2017. Evaluating host resistance to Macrophomina crown rot in strawberry. Phytopathology 107:S5.1.
Bitter, R., and Holmes, G. 2016. Evaluation of potential biocontrol agents against fungal plant pathogens affecting strawberry. Phytopathology 106:S4.1.
Carter, M., Holmes, G., and Ivors, K. 2016. Novel approaches for the integrated control of the soilborne strawberry pathogens Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. fragariae. Phytopathology 106:S4.1.
Cosseboom, S., Schnabel, G., Ivors, K. and Holmes, G. 2016. Resistance to Botrytis cinerea to fungicides in California strawberries. Phytopathology 106:S4.1.
Carter, M., Holmes, G., and Ivors, K. 2015. In vitro fungicide efficacy against the emerging pathogens Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae of strawberry. Phytopathology 105:S4.25.
Simard, S. 2024. Survey of soilborne pathogens infecting strawberry in Oxnard, California & effect of planting date and chill treatment on yield of strawberry. No. 2943. Master's Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Calvin, C. 2024. Emerging diseases, abiotic disorders, and macrophomina root rot management of California strawberry. No. 2901. Master's Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Alvarado-Rojas, J. 2023. Evaluating the field efficacy of UV-C on two California strawberry arthropod pests. No. 2808. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Jensen, K. 2023. Documenting Tetranychus urticae and Lygus hesperus resistance status in California strawberries. No. 2772. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Steele, M. E. 2023. Soilborne pathogens of strawberry in California’s central coast: survey and wheat cover cropping for management of Macrophomina phaseolina. No. 2784. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Koster, J. T. 2022. An integrated approach for controlling Verticillium wilt of strawberry. No. 2613. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Wang, Y.-C. 2022. Strawberry disease management improvement for Macrophomina root rot and Botrytis fruit rot. No. 2661. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Gonzalez-Benitez, O. A. 2020. Host plant resistance in strawberries to Anthracnose and colonization of crown and root tissue by Verticillium dahliae and Macrophomina phaseolina. No. 2232. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Palmer, M. G. 2020. Strawberry powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera aphanis: Fungicide resistance and host plant resistance. No. 2581. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Winslow, J. W. 2019. Evaluation of host resistance and the utilization of organic amendments to manage Macrophomina crown rot of strawberry in California. No. 2075. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Cosseboom, S. D. 2018. Characterization of Botrytis cinerea resistance to fungicides in California strawberry production. No. 1817. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Carter, M. 2016. Investigating novel approaches for the integrated control of the soilborne strawberry pathogens Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae. No. 1628. Master’s Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA.