Field Day 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
Strawberry Center 8th Annual Field Day
Thursday • August 8, 2024
This event will be in-person
Join over 400 strawberry growers, researchers and industry representatives for this year’s Strawberry Center Field Day. Participants rotate through stations, hearing from Cal Poly students and staff about the latest research taking place at the Strawberry Center. Topics range from the newest automation technology to predatory mites to soil-borne pathogens of strawberry, and much more!
Please note: To meet program booklet and sponsor banner publication deadlines, all sponsorship payments need to be received by Friday, July 19, 2024.
Exhibitors are situated outdoors at Field Day and are provided a standard 8 ft rectangular table and 2 chairs (more available upon request). Pop-ups, ground banners, signs, table covers, etc. can certainly be added to the tables but will need to be provided by each company.
To sponsor Field Day 2024:
Step 1: CHOOSE your Sponsorship package from graphic below.
Step 2: SUBMIT PAYMENT via Credit Card (preferred) or Check:
• Pay by CREDIT CARD: Visit and enter in the sponsorship amount in the DONATE field.
• Pay by CHECK: Make sponsorship checks payable to “Cal Poly” with the notation “Strawberry Center Field #6446” in the memo field.
Mail check to:
Cal Poly Strawberry Center, Attn: Gerald Holmes
1 Grand Avenue, Bldg 83, Ste 1B
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Step 3: LET US KNOW! While you will receive a confirmation email from us when we receive your payment, it is best to email Colette @ to inform us that your payment has been mailed or submitted online. This will allow us to get your company logo immediately into printed documents, banners, web site, etc.
Other questions or inquiries? Email us @
Thank you for your support!
Download or View flier in larger size (PDF)
RECAP VIDEO: 2023 Field Day
Check out this recap of 2023 Field Day, our most attended Field Day yet, with over 430 attendees and 40 sponsors! Thank you to the California Strawberry Commission's marketing team for this nice production.
Direct link to YouTube video
KSBY Coverage: 2023 Field Day
Direct link to YouTube video
Thank you to our 2023 Field Day SPONSORS and IN-KIND DONORS!

We are grateful to our LUNCH CO-SPONSORS Yara and Good Farms.